Get Rid of “Lethal Means”
If you struggle with suicidal urges, get rid of the things you’d use to kill yourself or to hurt yourself (AKA “lethal means”).
Community Tips
Why Use this Skill
If you feel the urge to kill yourself, but you don’t have the tools to do it, you won’t be able to. That’s why getting rid of lethal means is one of the most useful things anyone can do to keep themselves safe.
When to Use This Skill
Use Get Rid of Lethal Means when:
- You struggle with suicidal thoughts, or have a specific plan to act on the urge to kill yourself.
- You have tried to kill yourself before.
- You have access to a gun.
Getting Rid of "Lethal Means"
How to Use This Skill
In theory, this skill is easy. Just get rid of anything you’d use to kill yourself—AKA “lethal means.”
In practice, it can be a lot trickier… What if you can’t totally get rid of lethal means? Or what if you’re having trouble convincing yourself it’s the best thing to do? Below, we offer some ideas.
Some things to consider with this skill:
- This is a skill that’s most useful to do proactively. Get rid of your lethal means before you’re in crisis.
- If you’re noticing unwillingness to get rid of lethal means, use other coping skills (like Cold Water or Paced Breathing) before this skill.
- Ideally, you’d totally get rid of the thing(s) you’d use to hurt yourself.
- Throw it away. Give it to a trusted friend. Lock it in a safe that only your roommate has the passcode to. Etc.
- Sometimes you can’t can’t get rid of lethal means. In that case, do whatever you can to make it harder for you to access.
- Put it in the back of a drawer or closet. Put it in a locked safe. Tape your Safety Plan or an encouraging note to it. Give part of it to a roommate or trusted friend. Etc.
- When you’re in a crisis, having time, space, or steps between you and lethal means can make all the difference in keeping you safe. The harder it is to use the lethal means, the less likely you will make an impulsive decision when you’re feeling overwhelmed.
- If you have a therapist, talk to them about this skill and get their help problem-solving. (If you don’t have a therapist and you struggle with suicidal thoughts, consider trying to find a therapist.)
- Ask others for help when you’re feeling unsure of what to do.
Getting Rid of Lethal Means with Now Matters Now
A series of videos from Now Matters Now on how to get rid of Lethal Means
Means Matter
Harvard’s “Means Matter” website with research about this skill
Tips for Secure Firearms Storage
Webpage from the VA with information about lethal means safety
Lock2Live is a tool to provide secure access to dangerous items temporarily
Prevent Firearm Suicide
Webpage with tips for safe firearm storage
Related Skills
Safety Plan
Plan for the next time you feel suicidal or overwhelmed
Cold Water
Calm down fast when you’re upset or stressed
Grounding Skills
Calm down and center yourself using physical sensations
Paced Breathing
Breathe slowly and deeply to regulate your nervous system