Wise Mind
Everyone—including you!—has a deep, inner intuition that considers all of their emotions, desires, and values, as well as the logistical needs of reality. This place of wisdom is Wise Mind.
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Why Use this Skill
We all face complex situations and competing needs. It can be hard to know what to do when our emotions contradict one another, when our current situation makes following our values tough, or when it feels like our head and our heart aren’t aligning. Wise Mind can help us with this type of confusion.
When to Use This Skill
Use Wise Mind when:
- You’re confused by a tough decision, complex situation, or conflicting needs or desires.
- You’re having urges to act impulsively in ways you know will cause long-term problems.
- You want to build a Life Worth Living.

How to Use This Skill
To find Wise Mind, you usually need to consider Emotion Mind and Reasonable Mind.
Emotion Mind is the part of you that prioritizes emotions, values, and desires. It can feel super “hot” and impulsive. When you’re in Emotion Mind, your behavior is solely driven by how you’re feeling.
Reasonable Mind is the part of you that prioritizes facts, logic, and logistics. It can feel controlled and goal-directed. When you’re in Reasonable Mind, your behavior is solely driven by plans and knowledge.
Wise Mind integrates Emotion Mind and Reasonable Mind to come to a place of wisdom that respects all parts of your experience.
To try to access Wise Mind:
- Journal and ask yourself: What do my emotions or desires make me feel like doing? What do the facts or my long-term goals require that I do? Is there a way that I can do both? If not, what’s truly most important to me right now?
- Take slow, deep breaths, asking yourself, “what would Wise Mind say or do in this situation?” Keep breathing deeply until you know the answer.
- Imagine yourself sinking down into a deep pool or water, or walking down a spiral staircase, deep down into your deepest intuition. What do you know to be true when you arrive there?
- Think about past times when you were in Wise Mind—you probably felt calm and confident and grounded about what you needed to do, even if you were also feeling very upset—and think about what you could do now to feel that same way.
- Draw a Venn diagram (like the above) and fill out what Emotion Mind wants, what Reasonable Mind wants, and what both want (Wise Mind).
Learning how to access Wise Mind is kind of like riding a bike… It can be really tricky at first, and you’ll have to think really hard about it every time. But, eventually, with practice, it can become easier and feel like second nature.
“Why Mindfulness is a Superpower”
YouTube video that describes how mindfulness can help us respond wisely to life
“Is This Wise Mind?” Guided Meditation
YouTube video with guided meditation for finding Wise Mind, with music and images of nature
Dr. Linehan Teaches Wise Mind
YouTube video where Dr. Marsha Linehan, the creator of DBT, discusses Wise Mind
Ideas for Getting Into Wise Mind
Blog post about ways to get into Wise Mind, from DBT therapist Amanda Smith
Wise Mind: An Intuitive, Centered State of Mind
Video about Wise Mind, from the DBT‑RU YouTube channel.
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