Learn Skills
What choice do you want to make today?
We use five choices to build meaningful lives and reduce pain. Each choice is connected to a series of evidence-based coping skills and resources.
Wise Mind
Find your inner wisdom.
Pleasant Events
Do things that feel good.
Take care of your body to take care of your mind.
Nurture yourself with physical comfort and pleasure.
Radical Acceptance
Acknowledge what’s true and let yourself grieve.
Emotions as Signals
“Emotions as Signals” asks you to view your emotions as biological messengers that can help you.
Cheerlead yourself.
FAST Skills
Increase your self‑respect within relationships.
Know what you want and what you stand for.
GIVE Skills
Improve your relationships and ease conflict.
Assert yourself and set limits.
Mindfulness of Current Emotion
Feel your emotions fully to reduce suffering
Caring Messages
Connect with and help others with brief messages
Find things that distract you from pain.
Stop Drop and Roll
Protect yourself when you’re “on fire” emotionally or suicidal
Pros and Cons
Choose wisely when facing impulsive urges or confusion
Tell your story to understand yourself and connect with others
Paced Breathing
Breathe slowly and deeply to regulate your nervous system
Grounding Skills
Calm down and center yourself using physical sensations
Get Rid of “Lethal Means”
Help your future self avoid suicidal urges
Opposite Action
Reduce emotions that you don’t want to be feeling
Cold Water
Calm down fast when you’re upset or stressed
Safety Plan
Plan for the next time you feel suicidal or overwhelmed