Tips Sheet

This sheet offers mental health tips.

2023 YMHD Tips Sheet by ursulawhiteside (select “File” then “Download” to print)

Help In An Emotional Fire

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline (Call, Text 24/7)
741741 Crisis Text Line (Text 24/7)
Please save to your phone – you never know when your or a friend may need it.

Other Distraction and Coping Tools — check out Youth Ambassadors and more coping skills

Help Now

Stop, Drop, Roll for Emotional Fires

NEW! See our HOW TO steps with short videos:
login and password: jed (all lowercase)

Learn from our Youth Ambassadors about what to do when you are so upset and stressed that you can not think clearly.

Regulation and Co-Regulation

New Flora Videos

Local Resources

Range Local Resources includes free & low cost services near you

Free Online Coping Skills Training

ONLINE COURSE want to start your additional training in mental health now and learn powerful coping skills?
1 week Micro-Interventions (2 hours, includes 3 Dialectical Behavior Therapy – DBT – skills)
See this Flyer for sharing course details.

Stress Model

Stress Model explains why, for some of us, it is harder to manage the emotional pain of living (Stress Model PDF).

Safety Planning

We know what to do in physical fires. What’s your plan for emotional fires? Create your Emotional Fire Safety Plan (PDFGoogle Doc). Help Guide (PDFGoogle Doc).

You can “Stop, Drop, and Roll” when On Fire emotionally (video and image). Rationale developed collaboratively with experts.

For guidance on safe storage of lethal means see (PDF overview, PDF guidance).
Google Docs latest version and print best with Chrome internet browser.

Caring Messages

Caring Messages are brief non-judgmental expressions of support provided over time (see CBS Sunday Morning News and excellent long-form story by Jason Cherkis).

Business Card for personal caring messages (or .jpg side 1, side 2). Poster (black, white) and PDF examples. Print or email to local print shop. Videos from our team.


Posters designed by our Team.
Ten Things Suicidal People Wish They’d Known
Stop, Drop and Roll Steps
Language Matters

Print or order them online (proceeds for website development).

We've Been on National Public Radio

National Public Radio’s “How To Help Someone At Risk Of Suicide” (live link, audio, pdf)

Our Youth Ambassador Megan Hilton was included in a NPR article “Make space, listen, offer hope: How to help a child at risk of suicide” (live link, audio, pdf)

Coming Out

Things to consider when coming out about your own suicidal experience. Here are guidelinesLive Through This and From Shame to Healing feature examples.

Youth Ambassador Program

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