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Youth Mental Health Day

Welcome! We are so glad you are here!

Jenna's Message

Remember to pay attention to your feelings. They are connected to your thoughts. And always remember that you get to choose your thoughts and your feelings.

If ever you feel alone, remember that we are all connected under the same moon, sun, and stars. Most importantly, remember that connection starts within YOU.

Ursula's Message

Emotions are so intense. Half the time we don’t know we are upset until after everything has blown up. We do and say things we wouldn’t otherwise do.

It can seem impossible, but we can learn to slow things down. It starts by regularly checking in about how we are doing. “Am I in the Green, Orange or Red zone right now?”

Youth Ambassador Program

Learn more about our Ambassador Program

Help In An Emotional Fire

988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline (Call, Text 24/7)

741741 Crisis Text Line (Text 24/7)

Please save to your phone – you never know when your or a friend may need it.

Caring Messages

Caring Messages are brief non-judgmental expressions of support provided over time (see CBS Sunday Morning News and excellent long-form story by Jason Cherkis).

Business Card for personal caring messages (or .jpg side 1, side 2). Poster (black, white) and PDF examples. Print or email to local print shop. Videos from our team.

Stress Model

Stress Model explains why, for some of us, it is harder to manage the emotional pain of living (Stress Model PDF).

Safety Planning

We know what to do in physical fires. What’s your plan for emotional fires? Create your Emotional Fire Safety Plan (PDFGoogle Doc). Help Guide (PDFGoogle Doc).

You can “Stop, Drop, and Roll” when On Fire emotionally (video and image). Rationale developed collaboratively with experts.

For guidance on safe storage of lethal means see (PDF overview, PDF guidance).